E5532. Complications of Cardiovascular Devices: A Pictorial Essay
Mamta Gupta;
Yale University
Ron Gathagan;
Yale University
Tarek Elkady;
Yale University
Anna Bader;
Yale University
Cristina Fuss;
Yale University
Babina Gosangi;
Yale University
Christopher Gange;
Yale University
Imaging appearance of various complications of cardiovascular devices focuses on identifying and understanding the various complications that can arise from the use of cardiovascular devices. This can encompass a wide range of devices used in the field of cardiology. 1. Cardiac stents: explore complications such as stent thrombosis, in-stent restenosis, stent fracture, or stent migration. It may assess the imaging features associated with these complications and their impact on patient management. 2. Pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICDs): discuss complications related to lead placement, lead dislodgement, lead fracture, infection, pocket hematoma or seroma, device failure, or battery depletion. We examine the role of imaging techniques in diagnosing and managing these complications. 3. Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR): focus on complications such as paravalvular leaks, vascular access site complications, annular rupture, valve migration, or coronary artery obstruction. Imaging modalities like ECG or CT can be evaluated for their utility in detecting and characterizing these complications. 4. Ventricular assist devices (VADs): address potential complications associated with VADs, including infection, thrombosis, device malfunction, pump thrombosis, or bleeding. It may highlight the role of different imaging modalities in monitoring VAD function and diagnosing complications. 5. Cardiac catheters and angioplasty balloons.
Educational Goals / Teaching Points
Attendees will gain insights of imaging appearance of complications associated with various cardiac devices. This educational exhibit seeks to provide an in-depth analysis of radiographic imaging appearance applied to complications of various cardiothoracic devices. Discussion of real-world case examples in quiz style will highlight instances where imaging played a pivotal role in recognition of various complications of cardiovascular devices, highlighting the significance of accurate interpretation in patient management. Discussion of precise device assessment, early detection of malfunctions, and postprocedural surveillance.
Key Anatomic/Physiologic Issues and Imaging Findings/Techniques
This exhibit will discuss complications such as vessel perforation, dissection, pseudoaneurysm formation, or thrombosis associated with catheter-based interventions. We will evaluate the role of imaging techniques like angiography or intravascular ultrasound in detecting and managing these complications.
This exhibit aims to provide insights into the complications of various cardiovascular devices, enhance understanding of their imaging characteristics, and facilitate early detection and appropriate management of these complications. This information can aid in improving patient safety and outcomes in the field of interventional cardiology.