E5525. Postpartum Imaging: A Diagnostic Dilemma for Radiologists
  1. Shweta Srivastava; Mayo Clinic
  2. Nayanatara Swamy; Louisiana State University
  3. Santo Maimone; Mayo Clinic
The postpartum period begins 1 hour after delivery of placenta and ends by 6 weeks, in which pregnancy-related anatomic and physiologic changes gradually restore to nongravid status. However, a multitude of postpartum complications also occur during this time. Imaging features of physiologic uterine changes during puerperium overlap with imaging features of postpartum complications. Hence, a detailed review of imaging findings of expected anatomical changes after vaginal delivery and cesarean section is required to differentiate it from common complications in the postpartum period. Due to specific needs of postpartum patients, e.g., breast feeding, premature infant, and the suspected complications, different imaging modalities become the imaging of choice in different clinical scenarios and these studies can be protocoled to give maximum information.

Educational Goals / Teaching Points
Provide a detailed review of imaging features of normal anatomical changes after vaginal delivery and cesarean section. A detailed review of imaging findings of common complications in the postpartum period and how to differentiate them from expected anatomical changes. Imaging modalities of choice based on the patient characteristics and suspected diagnosis with appropriate protocols.

Key Anatomic/Physiologic Issues and Imaging Findings/Techniques
The key imaging findings are highlighted via case-based examples.

The goal of this presentation is to provide the radiologist with tools to come to the right diagnosis and be able to differentiate normal anatomic changes in the postpartum period from the common complications that occur in this period.