E5446. Peer Activities in Radiology: Defined, Simplified and Explained
Garvit Khatri;
University of Colorado
Ken Linnau;
University of Washington
Suman Biswas;
University of Rochester, New York
Heba Foaud;
University of Washington
Brian Bresnahan;
University of Washington
There are many peer-related terms described in radiology literature. The general radiologist and trainees at times may not be aware of the terms and their contexts. This exhibit summarizes all the existing terms and tries to simplify and explain them.
Educational Goals / Teaching Points
1. To understand various peer activities in radiology with help of day-to-day workplace examples. 2. Learn differences between peer learning and peer review. 3. Understand some peer terms beyond or less described in radiology literature.
Key Anatomic/Physiologic Issues and Imaging Findings/Techniques
1. Review several peer learning-related publications, elaborate on peer-related terms used in radiology literature. 2. Discuss definitions and terms used in the general medical literature specialties, such as those used in medical education. 3. Identify inconsistencies and characterize terminology and conceptual intention to provide guidance to the radiology community. 4. Describe common terms used in radiology literature: peer review, peer learning, peer feedback, peer coaching, and peer mentoring. 5. Terms beyond or less described in radiology literature: collaborative learning, peer-assisted learning, peer teaching, peer assessment, and peer evaluation. 6. Venn diagram for a holistic understanding. 7. Briefly explain peer review to peer learning transition.
A deeper understanding of the peer-related terms can help improve the quality improvement programs in general.