E5103. Abnormalities of the Ureter on CT and MR Urography
Danling Chen;
Yale University
Ferenc Czeyda-Pommersheim;
Yale University
Nadia Solomon;
Yale University
Khaled Elsayes;
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Shweta Bhatt;
Mayo Clinic
Anuradha Shenoy-Bhangle;
Massachusetts General Hospital
Margarita Revzin;
Yale University
CT and MR urography have become essential tools in the workup of hematuria and suspected ureteral injury. With their widespread use, radiologists must become familiar with the gamut of abnormalities that affect the ureter. Examples of common disease processes will be reviewed on CT and MR urography, along with tips for modality selection, protocol optimization, and dose reduction techniques.
Educational Goals / Teaching Points
The goal of this exhibit is to review common pathologic processes that affect the ureters on CT and MR urography, highlight imaging findings specific to each, and review the latest technical developments in urography.
Key Anatomic/Physiologic Issues and Imaging Findings/Techniques
Ureteral abnormalities can be classified into abnormalities in course (e.g., ectopic insertion), increased caliber without obstruction (e.g., congenital megaureter, ureterocele), wall thickening (e.g., neoplasm, fibrosis/stricture, infection), intraluminal filling defects (e.g., stone, clot, mass), and ureteral disruption by trauma or surgery. These pathologies will be reviewed on CT and MR urography, along with recent technical developments, including protocol selection and optimization and dose reduction techniques.
This exhibit reviews common traumatic and nontraumatic pathologies that affect the ureters and discusses the latest technical advances in CT and MR urography.