E5020. Tics, Tightenings, and Tumors: Demystifying Imaging of the Male and Female Urethra
  1. Cole Wilken; University of Kentucky
  2. Amanda Gibson; University of Kentucky
  3. James Lee; University of Kentucky
  4. Adrian Dawkins; University of Kentucky
  5. Matthew Frank; University of Kentucky
  6. Andres Ayoob; University of Kentucky
Urethral pathology is a common source of clinically important conditions in both men and women, encompassing a wide spectrum of etiologies, including infection, inflammation, trauma, and neoplasm. The clinical symptoms related to urethral disorders are often nonspecific, and, therefore, imaging plays a pivotal role in diagnosis and treatment planning. A comprehensive knowledge of imaging technique, pelvic and urethral anatomy, and imaging features of urethral disease is required to make accurate diagnoses in both the pre and postoperative setting.

Educational Goals / Teaching Points
This exhibit will review urethrography and cross-sectional imaging of the female and male urethra, with an emphasis on imaging technique and urethral anatomy.

Key Anatomic/Physiologic Issues and Imaging Findings/Techniques
Imaging findings of urethral and periurethral disease in both women and men will be described, highlighting differential diagnosis (with attention to discriminating features) and key findings, which should be reported. Explanations of how to avoid (or recognize and correct) pitfalls in imaging technique and interpretation will be emphasized.

Accurate imaging characterization of urethral pathology is critical to assure appropriate diagnosis and treatment planning, requiring requisite knowledge of imaging technique, normal anatomy, and pathologic findings across multiple modalities.