E4935. The Cracked Wing: A Radiologic Overview of Scapular Fractures
Ahmed Elsayes;
University of Texas Health Science at Houston
Rohan Manickam;
University of Texas Health Science at Houston
Vikram Vijayarajan;
University of Texas Health Science at Houston
Serag Attia;
No Affiliation
Manickam Kumaravel;
University of Texas Health Science at Houston
Alexis Nguyen;
University of Texas Health Science at Houston
Reema AIRsheed;
University of Texas Health Science at Houston
Scapular fractures are not frequently encountered in the grand scope of orthopedic injuries, forming less than 1% of all osseous fractures. Often occurring as part of high-energy trauma and associated with other injuries, the nuances of scapular fractures present unique challenges that can lead to misdiagnosis. Given the critical role of the scapula in shoulder girdle stability, accurate diagnosis through imaging is crucial. This exhibit aims to increase the viewer's understanding of this uncommon, yet complex injury by discussing different presentations, clinical correlations, and the indispensable role of imaging in both management and postoperative evaluations.
Educational Goals / Teaching Points
This exhibit aims to provide a comprehensive overview of scapular fractures, from a detailed understanding of the radiological anatomy to practical imaging applications. We aim to cover the following points: anatomical landmarks of the scapula and its relation to adjacent structures, scapular fractures and associated injuries on different imaging modalities, practical insights into common clinical presentations involving scapular fractures and the correlating radiological findings, and the utility of imaging in management and evaluation of therapeutic outcomes.
Key Anatomic/Physiologic Issues and Imaging Findings/Techniques
The exhibit will provide an overview of the anatomy of the scapula, highlighting the relationship with adjacent shoulder structures and its significant role in shoulder stability and the different presentations of scapular fractures on plain radiographs, CT, and MRI, emphasizing their clinical correlates and associated injuries. Atypical radiologic signs indicative of complex scapular fractures involving the glenoid, acromion, “floating shoulder,” and scapular spine, as well as examples of advanced imaging techniques, including 3D reconstructions for improved visualization and classification, will be discussed. Additionally, the role of imaging in preoperative planning and postoperative follow up will be explored with case examples.
Scapular fractures are infrequent, yet often present with complex findings that can be diagnostically challenging. This educational exhibit provides a comprehensive overview of scapular fractures, focusing on the role of imaging in the diagnosis and management.