E3268. Breast Implant Complications: A Multimodality Review
Mihai Andreca;
Yale University School of Medicine
Caroline Merriam;
Yale University School of Medicine
John Lewin;
Yale University School of Medicine
Breast augmentation has become one of the most popular aesthetic procedures in the United States and has been implemented in numerous scenarios. Varieties of breast augmentation include the injection of autologous fat and implantation of breast prostheses to achieve the desired goal. Breast MRI is the modality of choice used to evaluate complications that may result from breast augmentation, but other modalities such as mammography are frequently used as well. Although complications are rare, they do occur, and knowledge of pathology is crucial for appropriate patient management and counseling.
Educational Goals / Teaching Points
The purpose of this educational exhibit is to examine the complications and imaging characteristics that may occur with breast implants used for augmentation purposes including symmastia, autologous fat injection into breast implants, as well as intracapsular and extracapsular rupture of breast implants.
Key Anatomic/Physiologic Issues and Imaging Findings/Techniques
Characteristic imaging findings will be reviewed of various complications that may result from breast implants, which are best appreciated on MRI. Other imaging modalities, including mammography, however, are critical in detecting these complications. We will look at the fat signal that is present within a breast impant rupture, looking at the "linguine" sign, which is characteristic of intracapsular breast implant rupture. Additionally, we will investigate other cases in which we see silicone outside the breast implant, representative of extracapsular breast implant rupture. Another interesting case which we will focus on involves symmastia, with fusion of the breast implant pockets at the midline.
Given that breast implants may have various complications, it is important for the interpreting physician to understand the various imaging findings that may occur, as well as the subsequent appropriate management.