4962. Impact of a Longitudinal Education Program Aimed at Improving Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Radiology
Authors * Denotes Presenting Author
  1. Viraja Alluri *; University of Illinois at Chicago
  2. Emily Chuang; University of Illinois at Chicago
  3. Divya Surabhi; Advocate Health Care
  4. Karen Xie; University of Illinois at Chicago
The persistent lack of diversity in radiology training and workforce has been well documented. Members of the radiology community have proposed emphasizing inclusion in academic spaces to help overcome barriers to diversity, a necessary step toward equity in the field and improved health care outcomes. Using the 5Cs of Radiology (curriculum, coaching, collaborating, career, and commitment) we have implemented a longitudinal education program at our institution since 2022. Our primary aim is to increase the diversity of students ultimately applying to radiology. The secondary, expanded aim is to investigate how emphasizing inclusion in radiology curricula can retain interested students.

Materials and Methods:
A series of virtual and in-person events were conducted at an academic medical school and affiliated undergraduate university. Nineteen medical student events were held: 1 panel on women and underrepresented minorities (URM) in radiology panel, 2 career advising events, 2 shadowing/mentorship programs, 3 post-MATCH panels, seven skills workshops, 3 procedure workshops, and 1 transgender imaging event. Two introduction to radiology sessions were held for undergraduates. At the end of each event, students completed a demographics questionnaire gathering information regarding gender, race/ethnicity, and school year, and a knowledge questionnaire that assessed quality, interest, and addressing of misconceptions and work-life balance using a Likert scale.

There were 247 attendees with a 49% survey completion rate (122 responses). Two-tailed t-tests assessed statistical significance for trends across race/ethnicity, gender, radiology exposure, year in medical school, and session modality. Data demonstrate a statistically significant positive impact in addressing misconceptions, promoting work-life balance, and increasing interest of undergraduates when compared to graduate sessions (p = 0.0000026). Although not statistically significant, there was a greater positive impact on promoting work-life balance among women compared with men (p = 0.068). There was a nonsignificant, but greater positive impact on increasing interest in radiology in URM vs non-URM. There was no significant difference of the transgender imaging event on increasing interest in radiology compared to the skills workshops (p = 0.52) or procedure workshops (p = 0.73).

The current study builds on prior work which has demonstrated the utility of educational programming for medical students. Upcoming semesters will focus outreach to undergraduate and high school students given the significant impact with earlier exposure. An event highlighting radiologists’ role in transgender care has been equally well-received and effective at promoting interest in radiology as skills and interactive procedure workshops; this serves as a proof-of-concept for future programming centered around inclusivity and intersectionality in radiology, such as preventative imaging and women’s health. Future data analysis includes perceptions of inclusivity in the workplace among students completing clinical electives in radiology.