Chest wall lesions are commonly encountered during breast imaging. Chest wall masses may present as a palpable concern or can be found incidentally on breast or chest images. There are a variety of chest wall masses that may be encountered by a breast radiologist during imaging. These lesions include both benign and malignant entities, which pose a unique challenge of biopsy and management due to the location. It is important for the interpreting radiologist to have an understanding of these chest wall lesions in order to make the appropriate decisions about imaging work-up and management.
Educational Goals / Teaching Points
The purpose of this educational exhibit is to review imaging findings of chest wall masses, including a review of interesting and characteristic lesions encountered by the breast imagers at our institution. This exhibit will detail the multimodality imaging characteristics of these lesions, and discuss biopsy and management of these findings.
Key Anatomic/Physiologic Issues and Imaging Findings/Techniques
Characteristic imaging findings will be reviewed via pictorial review of chest wall lesions on multimodality imaging, including mammogram, ultrasound, MRI, CT, and PET/CT. Cases from our institution will illustrate patient presentations, imaging findings, biopsy techniques, and appropriate management. The differential diagnoses for chest wall masses will be discussed. This includes primary and recurrent breast cancers, postsurgical/reconstruction changes, hematomas, seromas, internal mammary lymph nodes, lipomas, fat necrosis, as well as benign but aggressive desmoid tumor.
Given that chest wall masses may be encountered by breast imagers, it is imperative that the interpreting physician have the background knowledge of imaging characteristics of chest wall lesions and their appropriate management.