E2799. Amyloidosis From Head to Toe: Case-Based Multimodality Pictorial Review With Pathological Correlation
Pokhraj Suthar;
Rush University Medical Center
Sumeet Virmani;
Rush University Medical Center
Amyloidosis is a heterogeneous disease, even considered a constellation of diseases, resulting in the deposition of relatively similar proteins from many etiologies. Amyloidosist can affect any organ system in body.
Educational Goals / Teaching Points
The purpose of this case-based pictorial exhibit is to highlight the imaging spectrum of various findings of amyloidosis in different organs from head to toe, with comparison of different radiology and nuclear medicine modalities for diagnosis of amyloidosis and correlation with pathology.
Key Anatomic/Physiologic Issues and Imaging Findings/Techniques
We present a case-based multimodality pictorial review highlighting the spectrum of 25 cases of amyloidosis from head to toe, including the brain, heart, breast, lung, kidneys, bowels, musculoskeletal system, and more.
This case-based educational exhibit of amyloidosis using various radiology and nuclear medicine imaging modalities raises awareness and strengthens the judgment of the reading physician for amyloidosis diagnosis.