E2186. Decoding the Musculoskeletal Physical Exam: A Radiologist's Visual Guide with Imaging Correlations
  1. Jade Anderson; University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
  2. Joseph Tang; University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
As radiologists, we may encounter terminology in patients’ clinical documents not commonly used in our field during our search for more pertinent history. This is especially evident in the musculoskeletal setting, where the assessment and clinical summary includes an alphabet soup of pertinent physical examinations findings that have led the clinician to the diagnoses in consideration. Understanding these physical examination maneuvers and associated acronyms can help guide the radiologist to the anatomy of interest during their imaging study interpretation. Our educational exhibit showcases a pictorial/video glossary of some of the most common musculoskeletal exam findings and their relevance.

Educational Goals / Teaching Points
After reviewing this education exhibit, radiologists should be able to define common musculoskeletal physical examination maneuvers, understand how these maneuvers are performed, and understand what pathology these maneuvers may indicate on imaging.

Key Anatomic/Physiologic Issues and Imaging Findings/Techniques
Key anatomic or pathophysiologic issues covered include joints, tendons, ligaments, and sports or overuse injuries.

Understanding when these exams are indicated and the pathology they are designed to elicit is pertinent to any radiologist interpreting a musculoskeletal imaging study. The knowledge may be invaluable in narrowing down the differential diagnoses, prioritizing the imaging findings, and accurately addressing the clinical concerns.