E1811. Brachial Plexus MRI: Demystifying Complex Anatomy and Various Pathologies
Hyun Su Kim;
Samsung Medical Center
Ji Hyun Lee;
Samsung Medical Center
Young Cheol Yoon;
Samsung Medical Center
The brachial plexus is an intricate anatomic structure formed by a network of nerves that provide innervation to the upper extremity. Owing to its complex anatomy and vague symptomatology, the brachial plexus often presents a diagnostic challenge for radiologists and clinicians.
Educational Goals / Teaching Points
In this presentation, we intend to provide an image-rich review of the brachial plexus for better understanding of MRI anatomy of this structure. In addition, we also present and discuss various pathologies involving the brachial plexus including tumorous and non-tumorous conditions.
Key Anatomic/Physiologic Issues and Imaging Findings/Techniques
Arising from the C5-T1 ventral rami of the spinal cord, the brachial plexus is divided anatomically into roots, trunks, divisions and cords. Knowledge of normal brachial plexus anatomy for each subdivision on axial, sagittal, and coronal MRI regarding adjacent anatomic structures can help radiologists confidently interpret MRI findings. In addition, it is important to notice anatomical variations that may be present. MRI can aid in diagnosis of various nontumorous conditions involving the brachial plexus such as, thoracic outlet syndrome, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsy, neuralgic amyotrophy, and radiculopathy resulting from the rib fracture after median sternotomy. MRI can aid in diagnosis of various tumorous conditions involving the brachial plexus such as, neurolymphomatosis, nodular fasciitiiis, fibromatosis, neurogenic tumor, and metastasis.
Knowledge of normal brachial plexus anatomy and variational patterns on MRI is crucial for radiologists to interpret brachial plexus MRI.
Typical imaging findings of various pathologic conditions including tumorous and non-tumorous lesions may also help radiologists make diagnoses.