E1624. Pediatric Intussusception From Diagnosis to Treatment: A Straightforward Guide for Radiologists
  1. Vincenzo Vingiani; Ospedale centrale di Bolzano
  2. Matteo Bonatti; Ospedale centrale di Bolzano
  3. Francesco Ruschi; Ospedale centrale di Bolzano
  4. Riccardo Valletta; Ospedale centrale di Bolzano
  5. Tommaso Gorgatti; Ospedale centrale di Bolzano
  6. Andrea Posteraro; Ospedale centrale di Bolzano
  7. Federica Ferro; Ospedale centrale di Bolzano
In children, intussusception is one of the main causes of acute abdominal pain and the most common cause of small bowel obstruction. Ultrasound (US) is the most accurate imaging technique to diagnose intussusception and can also be used in the nonsurgical reduction procedure. A timely and accurate diagnosis is essential to perform a nonsurgical reduction with the highest rate of success and lower complications.

Educational Goals / Teaching Points
In this exhibit, US essential findings of intussusception in children are reviewed. Differential diagnoses between ileo-colic and small bowel intussusception will be analyzed. Finally, nonsurgical reduction procedures are explored with tips to increase the rate of success. Both US-guided and fluoroscopy-guided contrast liquid enema techniques are explained with emphasis on US, which does not use ionizing radiation.

Key Anatomic/Physiologic Issues and Imaging Findings/Techniques
Key points of this exhibit include pediatric intussusception, ileo-colic anatomy, nonsurgical reduction procedures, and US-guided and fluoroscopy-guided techniques.

This exhibit reviews the practical sonographic findings and pitfalls for accurate diagnosis of intussusception and illustrate nonsurgical reduction procedures. Examples cited are reinforced by clearly annotated image selections.