E1339. A Shoulder to Cry On: An Imaging Review of SLAP Lesions
Jennifer Padwal;
Stanford University Medical Center
Shelby Payne;
Stanford University Medical Center
Sydney Payne;
Stanford University Medical Center
Kathryn Stevens;
Stanford University Medical Center
Superior labrum anterior and posterior (SLAP) tears are common injuries in repetitive overhead sports such as pitching or weightlifting. Given the prevalence of SLAP tears, it is important for radiologists to be able to accurately identify and describe SLAP tears on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), including the extent of the tear and involvement of surrounding structures. We will be using case material collated from multiple institutions to illustrate normal anatomy and labral pathology.
Educational Goals / Teaching Points
As an introduction to the topic, the exhibit will review the anatomy of the glenoid labrum and bicipital-labral complex and commonly encountered anatomical variants. We will discuss the classification of SLAP tears and mechanisms of injury. We will do a focused review of the adaptive processes involved in glenohumeral internal rotation deficit (GIRD) leading to type 2 SLAP tears in overhead throwing athletes. As part of this imaging based review, we will illustrate examples of SLAP tears on MRI and MR arthrography, and some potential pitfalls to help practicing radiologists correctly identify SLAP tears. Finally, we will briefly outline the management of patients with SLAP tears.
Key Anatomic/Physiologic Issues and Imaging Findings/Techniques
The key anatomic issues covered in this exhibit will focus on a review of the bicipital-labral complex and glenoid labrum. After a brief anatomic review, we will shift to reviewing the mechanism of injury of SLAP tears, including imaging examples of the different types of SLAP lesions and potential pitfalls in diagnosis. We will finish the exhibit with a brief overview of management options to provide further clinical correlation for practicing radiologists.
At the end of this exhibit, the viewer should be able to describe the normal anatomy of the glenoid labrum, define the different types of SLAP lesions, and distinguish between SLAP lesions and mimics including the sublabral foramen, Buford complex and sublabral recess.